Sunday, July 20, 2008


How can i deny the feelings of vagaries caused by the meaninglessness of futile belonging. Edging towards a self assessed and ridiculed feeling of loneliness. Although in a road surrounded by hoardes of people nothing seeems to seem known and yet nothing is unknown. Though ordered by the occult, to stand and guard the meaning is lost. Making you think and suppress thoughts that go beyond human ideas. But holding on to them makes you feel human again. A hermit never reasons his actions because he knows that the path towards the end never asks any answers, but only questions. Nothing improper or nothing insecure only the conscious self emanating thoughts are sort after. They say that the mind only relates to concious thoughts and efforts but that is not the case. There are thoughts beyond your mental capabilites to understand whihc you know exist but will never find answers for. You will keep searching and hunting all your life only to be dissapointed in yourself and asking for self modulation.

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