Oh! Seer of sharpened intellect…
Accept this humble Worldly Bow!
Accept this humble Worldly Bow!
Through years of deepened perseverance
Oh! Great possessor of ethereal beings
Your manifestation is beyond the seeming living
You swim in the realms of the ephemeral
Through the paths followed by persevering few
You command the ego to your behest
The Great Kundalini encompassed abreast
Years of perilous turmoil…You lived through
Destroying the demons who lived through you
Conquering realms beyond the realms
Oh great Shiva bhakht, you know your self.
In thoughts you left your undying words
In moments you created fascinating worlds
Your Dhuni breathes its tales of unconditional bliss
Your children sheltered comfortably beneath its cove
Truly, your mentors were teachers of gold
Never letting their wisdom grow old
And, whence you scorched the earth for her
She lay comfortably in your store…
The mysterious bondage of Karmic debt
You bore knowing the dreadful net
So willing, so loving, you lived the poem of Aghora
The immensity of which is ever Suhana
Oh! Master, Guru and Friendly dove
Your story is right above
Oh! Simple worshiper of love.
Accept this humble Worldly Bow!
Accept this humble Worldly Bow!